The Ability to Be Persuasive


To get what we want more easily, we need to train this attitude of ours!

What is Persuasive Communication

The Greek philosopher Aristotle defined persuasion as “the art of inducing people to perform certain actions that they normally would not perform if we did not ask them” and with this meaning we refer to the ability to know how to obtain from others, through our “language” ( verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal), whatever we want.

How to train persuasiveness

Since this is an attitude, more or less developed in each of us, we can easily understand that some people have always used it unconsciously while others have more difficulty in knowing how to use it.

It is undeniable that being able to be “Persuasive” greatly facilitates us in being able to reach our goals faster and it is for this reason that we need to “train” our attitude in the following way:

  1. Listen Actively to Those Around Us: letting them speak without interrupting them and completing their sentences
  2. Pay Attention to Others’ Language: not only to the words, but also to the tone of the voice and its movements
  3. Show Interest and Openness: through “Empathy” (creating a bond with the other) and “Assertiveness” (sincerity)
  4. Keep the Interlocutor’s Interest High: through questions or by telling anecdotes and personal experiences
  5. Knowing How to Use Words: favoring an “Open” Communication Style, which favors discussion

Ultimately, it is necessary to know how to win the “Trust” of the other person and enter a “favorable condition” that allows us to formulate our requests in a “convincing” way to more easily obtain what we want, provided that this is done in a “convincing” way. “ethical” way, that is avoiding that the other feels “manipulated” or “deceived” by us.  

How to Practice Persuasiveness

Leaving aside the explanation of some effective techniques of “P.N.L.” (Neuro Linguistic Programming) I can however show you some operational steps in which you can try your hand to become more and more “persuasive”.

First of all you must clearly establish in your mind what is the result (or response to the request) that you have set out to achieve (example: meeting to present your products-services); then try to analyze your interlocutor (example: Is he a colleague, friend, relative, etc.? What are his or her needs / requirements / priorities?).

Remember that it will be easier to be “Persuasive” if what you offer him is something that meets his needs, as he will devote more time and attention to you (example: can this be a profitable opportunity for him?). Once these steps have been completed, then focus on “Communication” or the best way to convey your request in a clear and convincing way, underlining the benefits that will result for him. Good job!