Team Building … for Present Purposes!


Let’s discover the “Secrets” to strengthen the Collaboration between Collaborators


The term “Team Building” has now become commonly used in many Companies and Corporate and Non-Corporate Organizations: an increasing number of entrepreneurs, general managers and managers are in fact interested in this matter to the point of making it their own “mantra” for all their collaborators, united by the motto “unity is strength!”.

Definition of “Team Building”

“Team Building” (literally “Team Building”) is an expression erroneously used to indicate “Team Management”, understood as a set of training and experiential activities aimed at strengthening, on the one hand, the awareness of each member of the Team in their Strengths and, on the other hand, their internal cohesion. The “Team Building” or better called with synonyms “Team Management” or “Team Working”) can instead be defined as the “Process implemented by the Leader to amalgamate their Followers and direct them towards the Goals”.

How to Structure a “Team Building” … ad Hoc!

To create a “compact and cohesive” Group of Collaborators, able to share and pursue the Results established by the Leader, it is necessary to verify the following conditions:

  1. Sharing of Values: Team members must be “united” in compliance with the “principles” of the Group.
  2. Clarity in the Conduct of Activities: the Leader must clearly specify “Roles” and “Duties”.
  3. Setting the Goals: the “Targets” to be achieved must be known to all Team Members.
  4. Identification of Priorities: the Team must know and manage the Most Important Activities to be performed.
  5. Measurement of Results: the Leader must transmit information on the “Targets” achieved to his followers.

Among the conditions set out above, the reference to the “Time Factor” has been deliberately omitted, since the latter, although a very important “factor” to ensure an effective structuring of the Team of Collaborators, is subjective and may differ from situation to situation, due to elements such as the “mutual knowledge of the subjects”, “the degree of experience, competence and ability of the members”, as well as their “affinity or commonality”.


Identifying the right “blend of success” in the Team is not an easy task for a Leader, not even for those who have been used for years to manage numerous Team of Collaborators, but it is important to be able to know their Followers and know how to stimulate them effectively, developing a common and shared vision towards the Goals.