The Potentials
What are they, how can be recognized, how many are and how can be trained …
What are the Potentials
Potentials are traits attributable to our character, innate and unchangeable.
In fact, it is not possible to choose them, nor to modify them: we acquire them from birth but they are not hereditary!
This means that if, for example, our father excelled in the field of knowledge or creativity, it is not certain that we also possess these characteristics … indeed … sometimes we do not possess them at all …
Martin E.P. Seligman, father of Positive Psychology, defines them as “strengths of character“, or ways of “being” (linked to the characteristics of the person) and “doing” (linked to certain actions we can perform).
How are Potentials recognized?
Potentials represent behaviors that are under our total control: in fact, we can voluntarily decide, in the approach with others, when and whether to use or not to use a certain potential.
We cannot forget that potentials are always intimately linked with “emotions” (whose definition derives from the Latin terms “e” – Out and “moveo” – Move), that is the primordial cells of every action, which represent mental states and physiological, associated with psychological changes or internal or external stimuli.
The main emotions are 6: Surprise, Fear, Anger / Wrath, Disgust / Contempt, Sadness, Happiness / Joy.
The link between “potential” and “emotions” is highlighted by the fact that with the use of a potential, a positive emotion always arises, which generates pleasure and a sense of gratification.
It is important to identify and know our potential because this allows us not only to improve relationships with others, but also to increase “self-efficacy“, “performance“, and to achieve our goals.
How many potentials are there?
At the end of a long research carried out by Seligman and his team of researchers and scholars, on numerous texts of cultures and religions very distant from each other (Jewish, Christian, writings of Indian culture, etc.) 24 potentialities have been codified they are inserted within the 6 universal virtues, the latter represented by: Wisdom / Knowledge, Courage, Humanity / Love, Justice, Temperance and Transcendence.
How can the potentialities be trained
Unlike the virtues which are “abstract“, the potentials are “concrete” and, for this reason, can be trained by a Professional coach, to accompany the client towards the achievement of their goals.
Once the main congenital potentials have been identified (which I have defined with the term “stemness“), which represent those potentialities that are more developed than the others, it will be possible to “train” them, and their full use will allow the customer to reach more easily your goals.